About Us

Established in September 2016, Greater West HQ emerged from a long-held aspiration to transform passion for health and fitness into a thriving career. Located in the heart of Western Sydney, our mission is to empower individuals to unlock their fullest potential.

As a premier 550sqm CrossFit facility, Greater West HQ caters to diverse fitness levels, offering comprehensive training programs tailored for beginners through to advanced athletes. Our team comprises of highly skilled coaches committed to guiding you on your fitness journey, supported by a vibrant community dedicated to growth and success.

Experience the transformative power of our classes, where every session promises to leave you feeling stronger, happier, and more energised. Join us at Greater West HQ and embark on the path to becoming the best version of yourself.



Our Vision

To witness members coming together to overcome struggles and achieve feats they never thought possible. We firmly believe that as a collective, we are stronger together. By offering top tier coaching and dynamic workouts, we aim to deliver long-term, sustainable, and impactful results.

Our goal is to foster teamwork and cultivate a sense of community where our clients feel like they’re part of a family.

Our Mission

Greater West HQ strives to push our members to set goals and accomplish things they never thought they could. Our promise is to provide an amazing fitness experience whilst bringing the community together with exceptional training programs.

For every person who steps through our doors and has the courage to live their life better than they did yesterday, we are committed to helping make that a reality.

Why You’ll Love Training With Us

Tailored Fitness Programs

Every workout, lift, or movement performed in our gym will have tailored progressions for everyone.

Quality Capped Class Sizes

To ensure individualised attention, we limit class sizes. This allows for better coaching and ample space, allowing an optimal workout environment for all members.

Friendship & Accountability

Our biggest asset is our community. You’ll make friends for life who will encourage, challenge, and inspire you.